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Candlewood Lake Elementary

Create Your Tomorrow

A Message from the Leadership Team

A Message from the Leadership Team

Dear Candlewood Lake Elementary School Families, 

We are thrilled to be your new leadership team, collaborating with our awesome CLES staff and students. Having over 25 years of combined experience in the Brookfield Public Schools system, we are committed to continuing to provide our CLES students with a high quality education in a safe and nurturing environment. We are also committed to making CLES a warm, inviting place where our families always feel welcomed. To that end, please feel free to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or accolades you may have. We know that in order for our students to succeed, we need to work together as a team. As parents ourselves, we truly value all opportunities for partnerships between home and school. We look forward to an AMAZING rest of the school year and welcome any and all opportunities to work together. 

Kind regards,

Dave Pepsoski, Ed.D., Principal
June Gordon, Assistant Principal
Danielle Rudl, Ed.D., Assistant Principal
Deb Farias, Director of Instruction
Taryn Faynor, Supervisor of Special Education K-5